If you’ve made it this far, there’s a good chance we’ve got what you need to get feeling great again!

Low Testosterone

  • Testosterone is a natural hormone responsible for the normal growth and development of certain male organs and for the maintenance of other masculine traits. In men, testosterone is produced in the testes (the reproductive glands that also produce sperm) and regulated by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. With low testosterone levels, men can experience a decrease in energy and libido, an increase in body fat, and emotional changes.

    A decrease in testosterone levels is to be expected as men age. Other factors can also contribute to low T, including chronic health issues such as diabetes or obesity, medications such as corticosteroids or trauma. Our comprehensive health assessment tests for low testosterone levels as well as a multitude of other related issues and can be treated with customized, testosterone replacement therapy treatment plans.

  • Fatigue

    Weight gain, especially around the belly

    Difficulty concentrating

    Low libido, loss of sex drive

    Depression, irritability or anxiety

    Loss of muscle mass

    Increased hair loss

  • It’s hard to pin down an exact number for exactly how common testosterone deficiency is among men. The condition becomes drastically more common as men age, and it’s estimated that as many as 40% of older men have low testosterone.

    Many men, especially younger men, are nervous to seek treatment for low testosterone. While symptoms differ from person to person, men with low testosterone also experience a decrease in libido, erectile dysfunction, and heart disease.  Waiting to seek help can lead to the late detection and worsening of these progressive conditions.

  • At your appointment, we will go over medical history and all of your concerns. We will conduct a brief physical assessment, and you will need some basic lab work done.

    Once all labs are back and a diagnosis is made, we will get therapy started. Usually, this involves medication that you give yourself in the privacy of your own home. This can be in the form of creams or injectibles.

    You will then require somewhat routine lab draws to determine the effectiveness of your therapy and appropriate dose. Once stable, the frequency of these decreases.

    Then, you just go about living your best life.


Women’s Hormone Replacement Therapy

  • Menopause is the time in a woman's life when her period stops and is a normal part of aging. In the years before and during menopause, the levels of female hormones can go up and down which causes symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, pain during sex, and vaginal dryness. For some women, the symptoms are mild, and they go away on their own. Other women take hormone replacement therapy (HRT), also called menopausal hormone therapy, to relieve these symptoms. HRT may also protect against osteoporosis.

  • Fatigue

    Weight gain, especially around the belly

    Vaginal itching or burning

    Low libido, loss of sex drive

    Depression, irritability or anxiety

    Hair loss

    Night sweats

    Mood swings


  • At your appointment, we will go over medical history and all of your concerns. We will conduct a brief physical assessment, and you will need some basic lab work done.

    Once all labs are back and a diagnosis is made, we will get therapy started. Usually, this involves medication that you give yourself in the privacy of your own home. This can be in the form of creams or injectibles.

    You will then require somewhat routine lab draws to determine the effectiveness of your therapy and appropriate dose. Once stable, the frequency of these decreases.

    Then, you just go about living your best life.


 Other Services

  • sex, boner, wood, penis, sex drive, sex-drive, libido, horny, horney, dick, cock, morning wood, hard on, viagra, cialis, intercourse, vagina, fuck, steroids, juice, injections, pills

    Sexual Wellness

    Need a little extra help getting and staying ready in the bedroom with medications like Viagra or Cialis? We can help with that, but we also have peptides and IV or vitamin infusions that might help without use of oral medications.

    Additionally, we will be offering Ultrasound Wave therapy soon! A medication-free way to improve the firmness of your intimate encounters!

  • Body building, bodybuilding, weight lifting, workout, strength training, muscle gains, muscle gainz, competitive, stronger, athlete, athletic, runner, trainer, fitness, diet, exercise, gym, lifting, heavier, stronger, TRT, test, anabolic steroids

    Performance Enhancement, Anti-Aging, Improved Recovery

    Did you know peptides like Sermorelin or other growth hormones are natural to the body, and help the body stimulate increases in your own Human Growth Hormone?

    This can lead to increased weight loss, greater muscle growth, improved recovery times, injury protection, and anti-inflammatory support.

    We can also offer workout and dietary coaching to help you see maximum gains with minimal frustration.

  • baldness, hair loss, bald, hair growth, minoxidil, rogaine, finasteride, biotin, propecia, proscar, bald head

    Hair Loss

    Don’t they say that you get your hair from your mom’s side? Well, regardless of where it came from, where it went is the current problem. Let us help you with specific medications to improve hair growth and limit male-battern baldness. You’re already working on the body, now lets get the hair!

  • Functional Medicine

    Functional medicine is a systems biology–based approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease. Each symptom or differential diagnosis may be one of many contributing to an individual's illness.